Archive for the ‘knitting’ Category


Thursday, August 7th, 2008

I think I’m going to compete in Olympic Sox 2008: knit socks during the Games. I’m well trained, thanks to Francie. The second sock is in the final stretch after a week and two days (and many days off). The question now remains, which event/pattern and yarn will I choose?

DrLaura is putting this on, so I should use the Crystal Palace Panda Cotton I have (but wanted to save for a baby surprise jacket). I’ve been wanting to figure out Mr. Monkey socks, transforming the lace bits and filling in the holes with increases, and the prescribed yarn was going to be BMFA’s Kawkaw colorway from this year’s sock camp. A third choice would be something in a Scout’s Swag color (who we just interviewed on YKNIT 012: Y Would Dye 4 U).

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Time to check my queued patterns on Ravelry and look at some books. Opening Ceremonies is less than 24 hours away, so I need to get my gear in gear. Good luck to everyone during the Games!

Francie, the first

Monday, July 28th, 2008

My interest in knitting has been rekindled by the fabulous Socrates yarn (sent by Sean) and the Francie pattern.

The yarn is a fiber version of crack… or a marital aid that doesn’t require batteries or soaking in bleach. It’s compelled me to knit whenever I have a spare moment. The combination of wool, alpaca and bamboo makes for an incredibly soft and lightweight fabric. The pattern’s simple broken ribbing and unique sole shaping is the perfect combination of playful and predictable.

Thank you, Sean, for the gift that’s so much more than a skein of yarn. I started this the day it arrived (7/21) and finished the first sock last night. Proof that one could produce a sock in less than a week and still hold a full-time job. We’ll see how long #2 takes…

YKNIT 011: MAN Camp!

Sunday, July 20th, 2008

The next YKNIT episode is up!

Take an audio peek into the fun of the Men’s Spring Knitting Retreat at Easton Mountain from back in May.

Now, it’s off to bed… this podcast thing was the first thing I did when I got up and the last thing I’m doing before I go to sleep. G’night!

Sleeping on the blog

Saturday, July 12th, 2008

I warned you I wouldn’t be writing here that much. In lieu of me, here’s my little angel (on my pillow) to entertain you.

Last weekend, all three days of it, felt like a major turn-around. I was well rested. I picked up my knitting again (finished Earl Grey and starting Ribbed Coreolis, both sock #2). Bread was baked. Pesto was made. Dinner with friends was shared. Olympic trials were watched (swimming, that is). What more could you ask for?

Well, if you want more, on Monday we released YKNIT episode 10: Public Displays of Creation. Put that in your podcatcher.

It’s 9:00am. Time to get ready for swim practice and work out some soreness from last night’s circus training.

Bloke Back Mountain

Saturday, May 31st, 2008

I’m back in the USA and, boy, was it swell to get away. A Berlin report is forthcoming, but let’s talk Men’s Spring Knitting Retreat at Easton Mountain.

Although only 2.5 days, it rivaled my week and a half abroad for fun. It has provided me with a heart-full of happy memories, a truckload of laughs and a big, old stash of new friends. I can’t imagine what it would be like if it was longer. Even if I described the location, the guys, the workshops, the meals, the laughing, and the yarn action, it wouldn’t capture (pardon the hippy word) magical experience.

Here are my photos:

Created with flickrSLiDR.

I’m at a loss for words, and late to the game, so go read what some of the the others have already said:

If we had one on the West Coast, would anyone be up for it? I’ve started researching locations… something in the fall perhaps?

from Kreuzberg

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

Just lost a post because flickr isn’t playing nice right now.

Arives in Berlin. Luggage came a day later. Have seen contemporary art musem, wandered neighborhoods, bought sock yarn and eaten white spargel.

Alley ist gut.

On the train to Berlin

Sunday, May 18th, 2008

I just pulled out of Albany, heading to NYC then Newark to fly across the Atlantic pond. The Men’s Spring Knitting Retreat just ended and my head is reeling.

I’ve been very lucky and had many opportunities to have fun as a knitter and otherwise, but this was beyond any expectations I could have imagined. Never before have I been around so many incredible, talented and hilarious men. QueerJoe and KnitterguyTed created a new piece of knitting culture. One that I hope will continue for many years to come. Thank you both, from the bottom of my heart. I hope to return for years to come.

I’m typing this oh my phone, so I can’t link to everyone I’ve met and tell you stories about each right now. There was some recording for YKnit that you’ll eventually hear, but nothing could capture the joy and peace (sounds too Christmas-y) or the silly merriment and fibery inspiration I just experienced. I loved seeing Dr. Mel and meeting his David, finding out Guido is just like he sounds (if not feisty-er) and getting to hug and laugh with Michael (after years of email and his launching my “career”). Everyone who was there was a fine and fabulous fellow who I’d to hang out with (pardon my dangling participle).

But there was one guy who is my new best friend and retreat roomie for life: Sean of the Soapbox out of Boston. I’m relieved we live on opposite coasts, because we’d be a terror if we spent any more time together! Thank you for the ride to Albany and unending laughs. Read him, love him and find him at Woolcott & Co if you’re ever in Cambridge. I liked him online, but now that I’ve met him, I may tattoo his face on my bum-bum. In a platonic kinda way. (Mom, this is a joke.)

OK. This thumb typing is boring me. I’m going to get back to savoring my memories. It was awsome to spend the weekend with everyone. We simply must do it again. If you’re reading this and have testes, do consider coming new time!

WG in Berlin!

Monday, May 12th, 2008

What are the odds that another knit blogger is already there?

Sadly, our paths probably won’t cross… unless he defects and remains in Germany.

Thanks for the tip, Joe! (and belated happy birthday!)

Man Camp

Friday, May 9th, 2008

One week from today, I’ll be somewhere north of Albany, NY at the Men’s Spring Knitting Retreat. Thanks Joe and Ted for thinking this up and organizing everything!

And, heck, thanks for letting me lead a workshop (which I prefer to call a conversation) on men’s sock design. In the spirit of an informal gathering, I make no promises that anyone will walk away from the two hours with a brand spanking new sock design, but I expect we’ll have a good time talking about ways to approach a more manly sock. Sort of a hot man-on-man-on sock discussion, if you will. Let’s be honest, I can’t teach anyone to be creative… that’s already inside each of us. For anyone who can’t make it, feel free to contact me via email or in the comments to share your thoughts on the state of male sock design.

For those of you missing a Y chromosome, I will be bringing the YKNIT microphone to try to capture some of goings-on. I trust that since it’s men, it will be very structured, restrained fun, lacking creativity and focused on the serious, serious business of knitting. </sarcasm> I’m looking forward to meeting many of the guys I read (and listen to) face-to-face. (Yes, there will be pictures. No, not in bathtubs.)

From there, it’s off to meet Mr. Man in Berlin. That Berlin. He’s been itching to get back for the past five years. His years stationed in Germany during the 80’s have damaged him, compelling him to return to Deutschland often. He’ll be running around photo’ing and I’ll be happy not to be at the office. Anyone know of any knitting there? Let your Berliner (or jelly doughnut) friends know I’m available for Kaffee und Stricken. Or Bier(e).

I should head off to the day job… how many more days until camp?

Y Knit 007: Surviving Sock Camp

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

It looks like I’m never going to get around to telling you all about sock camp in blog-form. So how’s about a stroll down Monkey Memory lane?

Listen to Y KNIT episode 007 for an audio peek into the fun that was had! This is just the tip of the iceberg (how it snowed!).

A HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to Tina, the Sockateers, Rosie and Debra, the instructors and all the crazy campers. And a special thanks to my mom for flying across the country to hang out with me!

Sadly, the camp song about STR sock club didn’t make the cut (poor audio quality), but here are the lyrics if you want to karaoke it yourself:

Addicted to Yarn
(to the tune of Robert Palmer’s Addicted to Love – zombie backup band is optional)
inspired by Tina, with help from Meg, Deb and Ann

Your mailman’s here, but it’s not at home.
Your mind is not your own.
Your heart sweats, your body shakes,
Another skein is what it takes.

You can’t sleep, you can’t eat.
Theres no doubt, you’re in deep.
Your throat is tight, you can’t breathe,
Another kit is all you need!

Whoa, you like to think that youre immune to the stuff,
Oh, yeah!

It’s closer to the truth to say you can’t get enough,
You know you’re gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to yarn.

You see the (blog) posts, but you can’t read.
Your mailman’s at a different speed.
You heart beats in double time.
Another kit and you’ll be fine, a one-skein mind!

You can’t be saved,
Socks That Rock is all you crave
If there’s some left for you
A chevron scarf, you’ll do.

Whoa, you like to think that youre immune to the stuff,
Oh, yeah!

It’s closer to the truth to say you can’t get enough,
You know you’re gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to yarn.

Gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to yarn

Tina’s your dealer, you’re addicted to yarn!
Cat is a genius, you’re addicted to circs!
Stephanie is crazy, you’re addicted to socks!
JC’s cool Jumbo-tron, you’re addicted to sproing!
Cookie traveling stitches, you’re addicted to leg!

Sock camp is done, we’re going home.
We’ll be knitting, on our own.
Your hands sweat, needles grind,
Another row and you’ll be fine.
Whoa, you like to think that youre immune to the stuff,
Oh, yeah!

It’s closer to the truth to say you can’t get enough,
You know you’re gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to yarn.

Gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to yarn!

Cockeyed and Hot Flash, you’re addicted to schnapps!
Tammy, Etta Mae, you’re attached to the shop!
Rosie (we miss you!), you’re addicted to dye!
Can’t forget Debra, you’re buried in yarn!
Might as well face it, we’re addicted to yarn!
Might as well face it, we’re addicted to yarn!