Archive for the ‘knitting’ Category

Saturday afternoon

Monday, January 19th, 2009
hizKNITS and Janie Sparkles by Dead Slow

My weekend did not resemble this scene whatsoever.

photo: Christopher Hall

Bockstark Knits at SFO

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

Guess who I met today? That’s right, Kris, Ms. Bockstark Knits. How did you know?

She was flying back to Munich after a month of visiting family in Hawaii. (As much as I love Germany, I can imagine tropical beaches winning over winter drizzle and chill.) SF just happens to be the place you’d lay-over on the way back to Europe. It was great to finally meet someone I’d listened to (on her podcast Knitters Uncensored), read her blog, and followed her photos on Flickr for years. Oddly enough, it felt like we were already friends, even though this was the first time we’d communicated in person, and without the Internet facilitating it.

Her two boys were adorable. I couldn’t get a picture of the two of them together. To travel that far, for that long, alone with two four year-olds, Mr. Bockstark better get her a massage or some more fiber. Speaking of which, she gave me a skein if her own handspun sock yarn! I’m honored to have her creation be my first handspun socks. Perhaps some Boyfriend Socks?

Kris, you’ll be back home by the time you read this. I hope that the rest of your travels went off without a hitch. Although I may never sit at a wheel, I’m inspired by your prolific spinning. IOU a guided tour of SF if you you ever find yourself laid-over longer.

Next time, shall we meet in Germany?

Tea-baggin’ it

Thursday, January 8th, 2009
Tea-baggin' (with a message)

Although I may be a tad under the weather, I’m starting the New Year off with so much freakin’ optimism. My travel mug of herbal Throat Coat tea is half-full, friends. I’ve got a clear set of aspirations, or goals, or, shall we say, resolutions? It’s really putting the year in perspective and not a way to beat myself up. I know what I’m striving for, and I know what it’s going to take to get there.

Without detailing them all right here, let’s just say they involve what I’m knitting (WIPs to finish, completed designs to submit, designs to complete, and realistic number of OPD – other people’s designs to choose from), how I’m taking care of myself (let’s see if I can run more than six times this year!), new circus freak skills (rope and unicycle, but not together), and leading a more adventurous, fun-seeking life.

There isn’t any far-flung international travel on the horizon (but if anyone wants to fund some, I’ll accept!), but there are a few jaunts here and there (Austin, Seattle-ish, Philadelphia, Albany-esque (2x), Portland and the familial beyond-Buffalo and Eugene). If we don’t meet in person, another one of them revolves around doing a better job of updating this here site, getting more photos off the camera (including October’s Italy and Rhinebeck!), and doing a better job of staying in touch.

I’m ready for 2009 to be the best 2009 ever! Are you?

For good luck

Thursday, January 1st, 2009

Breakfast, 01.01.09

Thursday, January 1st, 2009

Happy T-Day!

Thursday, November 27th, 2008

Men’s Fall Knitting Retreat kicks off

Friday, November 7th, 2008

Here’s the view of San Francisco Ted and I enjoyed driving to Point Bonita YMCA.

Prop H8te

Thursday, November 6th, 2008

Californians voted to amend the state constitution to take away civil rights.

We were married on 10/31/08. Proponents of Prop 8 are seeking annulments for all 17,000+ same-sex marriages that have happened since the state supreme court declared denying these basic civil rights unconstitutional.

There are 3-4 million provisional ballots that still need to be counted. Last I heard, the gap between Yes and No is only 500,000. We’ll know more on 11/13.

As of today, cities in California will stop issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

on the road again

Friday, October 17th, 2008

So, I’m back from Italy. I know, I know. I owe you a post and a whole bunch of photos. Needless to say, it was delicious, literally and metaphorically. Calvi (where the wedding was) and Rome are very different from one another. One expansive and rural, the other a cramped maze of ancient and contemporary. But more on that later.

Right now I’m sitting in be airport in Philadelphia, waiting for a flight to Albany. I’m getting picked up by Sean (sorry; no link ’cause this is being written on my phone) and we’re headed to baby-got-Rhinebeck to see friends and hang with the knitterati.

(May I rant about USAir? My 6:10am flight cross-country was charging for all drinks. Am I spoiled by United? Some nuts or a free cup of water perhaps? There was no time to grab a coffee before my flight so as soon as I got off the plane here, I devoured a pretzel, downed a bottle of water and inhaled a sugar raised Dunkin Donut – my first job in high school. Now I’m settling down with a latte, contemplating whether or not I need somehong with spinach from Sbarro. I’m not gong hungry on this next flight!)

If you’re at Rhinebeck, catch me tomorrow out and about with Miss Scout, Sean or Dr. Mel. I’ll be the guy with a shaved head who doesn’t spin.

Whaddahyaknow, Joe?

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

Just noticed that my messenger bag pattern from Knitty Gritty was link-checked on Lime N Violet’s Daily Chum which was then picked up by CRAFT magazine’s blog. Thanks, Yarngeek and Jenny Ryan!


Has it been a month since my last post? The Olympics came and went and my socks didn’t get done as planned. Mom successfully completed a pair of Monkey’s in Scout’s Swag hizKNITS yarn. Although I didn’t medal, there is some sock-tacular learning that shall be discussed at a later date. Needless to say, my US#1’s have been busy.

Speaking of knit-alongs, I should also mention the latest episode of YKNIT with Larissa Brown went up. Mike did a bang-up job with that interview.

Just a few more weeks, and I’ll have more free time to typey-type here. None of this “job” stuff cramping my style. See you next month?

(Let’s hope it’s sooner.)