Archive for 2008

Minor face-lift

Friday, September 12th, 2008

The best plastic surgery is the kind you barely notice, right?

I’ve spent the past 6 hours upgrading WordPress and fiddling to recreate this here blog’s design. After a spate of 700 emails from spam commenters overnight, it was time do something. Please let me know if you run into any problems here… other than the lack of stuff to read. They don’t make author upgrades.

It’s pretty shiny back here, behind the curtain. Can’t wait to find what else this little piece of software can do!

Whaddahyaknow, Joe?

Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

Just noticed that my messenger bag pattern from Knitty Gritty was link-checked on Lime N Violet’s Daily Chum which was then picked up by CRAFT magazine’s blog. Thanks, Yarngeek and Jenny Ryan!


Has it been a month since my last post? The Olympics came and went and my socks didn’t get done as planned. Mom successfully completed a pair of Monkey’s in Scout’s Swag hizKNITS yarn. Although I didn’t medal, there is some sock-tacular learning that shall be discussed at a later date. Needless to say, my US#1’s have been busy.

Speaking of knit-alongs, I should also mention the latest episode of YKNIT with Larissa Brown went up. Mike did a bang-up job with that interview.

Just a few more weeks, and I’ll have more free time to typey-type here. None of this “job” stuff cramping my style. See you next month?

(Let’s hope it’s sooner.)


Thursday, August 7th, 2008

I think I’m going to compete in Olympic Sox 2008: knit socks during the Games. I’m well trained, thanks to Francie. The second sock is in the final stretch after a week and two days (and many days off). The question now remains, which event/pattern and yarn will I choose?

DrLaura is putting this on, so I should use the Crystal Palace Panda Cotton I have (but wanted to save for a baby surprise jacket). I’ve been wanting to figure out Mr. Monkey socks, transforming the lace bits and filling in the holes with increases, and the prescribed yarn was going to be BMFA’s Kawkaw colorway from this year’s sock camp. A third choice would be something in a Scout’s Swag color (who we just interviewed on YKNIT 012: Y Would Dye 4 U).

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Time to check my queued patterns on Ravelry and look at some books. Opening Ceremonies is less than 24 hours away, so I need to get my gear in gear. Good luck to everyone during the Games!

Francie, the first

Monday, July 28th, 2008

My interest in knitting has been rekindled by the fabulous Socrates yarn (sent by Sean) and the Francie pattern.

The yarn is a fiber version of crack… or a marital aid that doesn’t require batteries or soaking in bleach. It’s compelled me to knit whenever I have a spare moment. The combination of wool, alpaca and bamboo makes for an incredibly soft and lightweight fabric. The pattern’s simple broken ribbing and unique sole shaping is the perfect combination of playful and predictable.

Thank you, Sean, for the gift that’s so much more than a skein of yarn. I started this the day it arrived (7/21) and finished the first sock last night. Proof that one could produce a sock in less than a week and still hold a full-time job. We’ll see how long #2 takes…

YKNIT 011: MAN Camp!

Sunday, July 20th, 2008

The next YKNIT episode is up!

Take an audio peek into the fun of the Men’s Spring Knitting Retreat at Easton Mountain from back in May.

Now, it’s off to bed… this podcast thing was the first thing I did when I got up and the last thing I’m doing before I go to sleep. G’night!

Sleeping on the blog

Saturday, July 12th, 2008

I warned you I wouldn’t be writing here that much. In lieu of me, here’s my little angel (on my pillow) to entertain you.

Last weekend, all three days of it, felt like a major turn-around. I was well rested. I picked up my knitting again (finished Earl Grey and starting Ribbed Coreolis, both sock #2). Bread was baked. Pesto was made. Dinner with friends was shared. Olympic trials were watched (swimming, that is). What more could you ask for?

Well, if you want more, on Monday we released YKNIT episode 10: Public Displays of Creation. Put that in your podcatcher.

It’s 9:00am. Time to get ready for swim practice and work out some soreness from last night’s circus training.


Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

not a lot going on ’round the ol’ hizknits here.

ever since the return from vacation work has been eating up all of my mental energy. sorry that I’ve been selfish and not wanting to burden y’all with my whining. I mean, this is tedious enough writing a sorry excuse for not writing more often.

there hasn’t been much knitting going on either, which I’m sure doesn’t contribute to my overall sense of not-so-well-being. good thing WonderMike and Anthony are 2/3 of the podcast, or I would have dropped the ball on that as well.

I wish I could say there was a light at the end of the tunnel, but there isn’t in the near future. I just gotta find/make the time to get back in it and return to my jolly ol’ self; and that includes knitting, taking pictures, writing (email, letters and posts), reading, cooking, working out, and (imagine!) seeing friends in real life.

starting in September, I will have 8 weeks off of work, so then I’ll have no excuse NOT to dust off ye olde blogg. I don’t have any firm plans, yet, so suggestions are always welcome. A smidge of travel, interning at a local fiber business, hammering out a few designs, stretching my art muscles, and running away to join the circus are all being considered.

10 weeks and counting…

Y Knit 009: Hot for Harlot

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

Yes, I’m back.

But, yet again, sorry for the radio silence (blog-wise, at least), kiddies! I’m glad there’s the Twitter feed over there on the left to let you know my occasional whinings. I know my mom reads it! I still haven’t gotten my sea legs back since returning from Germany… there are pictures still to post on flickr and lots and lots and lots of work to do at the J. O. B.

But enough of that… go listen to Y KNIT’s interview with the Yarn Harlot.

Bloke Back Mountain

Saturday, May 31st, 2008

I’m back in the USA and, boy, was it swell to get away. A Berlin report is forthcoming, but let’s talk Men’s Spring Knitting Retreat at Easton Mountain.

Although only 2.5 days, it rivaled my week and a half abroad for fun. It has provided me with a heart-full of happy memories, a truckload of laughs and a big, old stash of new friends. I can’t imagine what it would be like if it was longer. Even if I described the location, the guys, the workshops, the meals, the laughing, and the yarn action, it wouldn’t capture (pardon the hippy word) magical experience.

Here are my photos:

Created with flickrSLiDR.

I’m at a loss for words, and late to the game, so go read what some of the the others have already said:

If we had one on the West Coast, would anyone be up for it? I’ve started researching locations… something in the fall perhaps?

from Kreuzberg

Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

Just lost a post because flickr isn’t playing nice right now.

Arives in Berlin. Luggage came a day later. Have seen contemporary art musem, wandered neighborhoods, bought sock yarn and eaten white spargel.

Alley ist gut.