Oh, Morrissey

If only every day were like this Sunday. It wasn’t silent and gray. Although the temperature hovered in the low-50’s (that’s freezing in NorCal), today was a pretty perfect end to the weekend. I was planning on impressing y’all with my step-by-step photos of the bread, but I figured I’ve scared enough readers away with yesterday’s bathtub antics. Besides, if you want to know how great it is, come on over, I’ll cook you some or try the recipie for yourself. It’s absurd something that easy could be that delicious.

Speaking of tubby, my gut feels even bigger than it looked soaking in the bath—now that it’s full of my first home-baked bread. The simplicity and tastiness of that recipe have ruined commercial bread forever. It may have also ruined the world of artisinal bread now that I can make $6 boules in my own kitchen. I foresee a whole world of baking in my future. Heck, I own a SilPat now! I’ve never had a sweet tooth, so cookies, cakes and pies are lost on me. The savory is my friend. Gimme some starch and I’ll be yours. The only thing more dangerous than this little bit of carbohydrate cooking cuisine would be if I owned my own FryDaddy.

We enjoyed the bread with some hearty pea soup (did you know vegan could taste so good?). Don’t be silly, of course it was also cooked from scratch. (I recommend red wine vinegar AND toasted sesame oil as condiments). With Janie snoring next to me on the couch, Mr. Man eating kielbasa (not vegan), and the TV telling us that Walmart is bad for America (thank you, Frontline from 2004), I can’t imagine anything better…

…unless I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow. Just five more days until a week’s break.

3 Responses to “Oh, Morrissey”

  1. Elemmaciltur Says:

    Yeah, didn’t comment on the last post out of protest…you scared me to death! *LOL*

    Hmmmm…I seriously think that I should try out the bread now.

  2. Eikon Says:

    How i long for kielbasa. Definatly the hardest part about being vegetarian come the holidays.

  3. Stephen Says:

    Try the Tofurky kielbasa. It’s what I had in my soup. I think it’s vegan, too!