
What do you do when your best friend and her fiance are asking you to play hooky to run away to Vegas for a few days? What do you do if they are offering you the chance to see Cirque du Soleil’s “O” for free and see Le Reve for half-price? What do you do if it’s going to cost under $300 for airfare and hotel for three nights? And, what if this was all instigated by the fact that they have not one, but two friends who are in the cast of “O,” one of whom is arguably one the best synchronized swimmers ever, male or female?

Now, keep in mind, you and this best friend are both synchronized swimmers and water is the medium and stage of both shows. It’s true that you’ve already had the pleasure of seeing “O,” but your friend hasn’t and you’d love to share the magic of that show with someone who devoted her childhood to the sport and now is exploring it in her art. Oh, don’t forget that you did a couple of months playing aerialist (rope) at Trapeze Arts circus school. Basically, it’s been your dream to be a performer since you were a child and, ever since you saw it, you’ve wanted to see the backstage and inner-workings of this Cirque du Soleil show.

Sadly, I think my sense of work responsibility and fiscal wisdom will win out. I hope this isn’t a once in a lifetime opportunity. If I don’t write in the next three days, you can find me in Vegas.

6 Responses to “Conundrum”

  1. sean Says:

    I know it may be trite, but someone once said to me that when you’re older and retire, you never look back and wish you had worked more. I vote for Vegas.

  2. Isela Says:

    I sense that you will probably be getting a terrible cold, you will have to call in sick for a few days :D. I go with what Sean said above….take 5 and go have some fun. Did I mention that I am sometimes call the devil’s advocate, hehehehe.

  3. scout Says:

    No brainer.

    *cough* *cough*


    then delete this entry FAST!

  4. Ginny Says:

    Is honesty out of the question? I wonder what would happen if you layed out all of the facts for your boss? But I do agree with the comment above because you’ll always remember the trip but most likely forget those three days at work when it’s all said and done.
    Are you on the gay syncronized swim team? If so, you probably know one of my favorite old architect clients, the very sassy Stuart Hills!

  5. Eikon Says:

    but the pretty men in pretty clothes doing pretty things!

  6. Bridget Says:

    Dude! You CANNOT pass this up! You’ll have to evaluate your work environment, to determine whether honesty or subtrefuge are your best bets, but go you must!