38, 39, 40

As my last hours of being 38 wane, and on the eve of my 39th birthday where I’ll begin my 40th year on this planet, I want to carry the thoughts in this zefrank video up and over that hill.

(many thanks to James for mentioning this on twitter. Unbeknownst to her, I am taking it as a personal birthday gift.)

6 Responses to “38, 39, 40”

  1. Barb Says:

    Keep that great attitude. I hit a bigger milestone this year (60) and have to address the fact that my body says I’m aging, but my mind doesn’t. I am trying to refocus my energies on what I CAN do, not what I used to do! Welcome to the best side of life! You know your weaknesses, and have learned how to put them aside as you regroup with a plan using your strenghths. ]

    And KEEP THE KNITTING going! I just attended a memorial service for a family friend who died at 101 8/12. She knit 1,347 cotton dishcloths in her last 50+ years. Just proves that busy hands keep us young!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, new friend!

  2. Cheryl Says:

    Hi Stephen,
    Many Happy Returns on your birthday, youngster!

  3. marcy Says:

    Happy birthday my friend!
    May your thirties leave you with great memories and your forties give you great expectations!

  4. SarahSeattle Says:

    The past is preparation for what is to come. Nothing is wasted. All experience is useful. Take yourself into the future – what a prospect.

    I am still looking forward at 70 (this June), and life is fascinating and wonderful, even when I am anxious and sad (which isn’t often).

    Happy Birthday, and Many Many Happy Returns!!

  5. Darci Says:

    Thanks for this…I needed it…how did you ever know?

  6. steven a. Says:

    for 40, i’m getting you a stripper.