I’ve Niagara Fall-en…


…and I just got up!

All this cross-country back and forth, up and down, and today’s driving round and round is exhausting. Work has me in Toronto to do store checks for two days. As someone who takes no pleasure in shopping or riding in cars (as driver or passenger), this is not how I’d choose to spend my time. The fact that the 60 locations are in suburbs (including Niagara Falls) makes it all the more tedious. Bright side? East Coast + Canada = trip down memory lane, albeit my first time in Toronto.

On an even brighter note, my old mini iPod fell out of my jacket in the hotel bar and I didn’t notice until hours later after we had eaten down the street. I ran down to the lobby and the front desk said to check with the bartenders. Sure enough – the waitress found it and held it aside for me.

Lesson learned: always be nice and chatty because you never know when you’ll want another person to remember you. Thanks, Sandy.

Now? Back to prone. G’night!

One Response to “I’ve Niagara Fall-en…”

  1. marti Says:

    wow. i am glad you got your ipod back. but that photo is simply stunning!