Letter from camp

I don’t need to write my mom, because she’s here with me at sock knitting camp, so I’m writing y’all.

I’m having a swell time with all my new friends, returning campers and the counsolers. There’s so much to say and pictures to share and conversations to podcast, but interweb access is spotty.

Just wanted to say that I miss you and access to the wider world. I gotta run, ’cause we need to eat before tonight’s underwater knitting competition!

Oh, and thank you a thousand times for all the super birthday wishes! It was so rad to have loads of love coming in from the wide wide world of the web.

PS I’m hanging out with three hot babes, only one of whom is my mom.

2 Responses to “Letter from camp”

  1. Teresa Says:

    Underwater knitting? Nice! 🙂

  2. Amy Says:

    Oooh, sounds like fun. Colour me jealous.

    P.S. my friend and I have made a pact to stop saying “wide wide world of webs” and “internets” because we’re worried that outsiders, work collegues especially, think we’re idiots.