Taking a breather

I said I wouldn’t post here unless I had reached my daily goals. While I’m behind in the big picture, I did write above and beyond today’s goal. There’a s little graph that I’ll keep up in my sidebar for the month of November. So far, so good. I made up for a very slow start and feel pretty good. If only I got 700 words done tonight, I’d feel better. Almost 1500 behind. Alas.

In knitting news, Mom finished her second sock. I cast-on while talking to her this morning for a second one myself. It must be genetic. Can’t wait for the photo, Mom. Keep on knitting!

3 Responses to “Taking a breather”

  1. sean Says:

    stay strong, keep focused. You can do it!

  2. Sean Says:

    Congrats on the writing progress! Keep cranking out the words.

  3. Eikon Says:

    I just started a moebius scarf and boy is it weird. I wish my mom would start knitting again that would be fun.